There is no currency in circulation today that wasn’t first birthed by an IDEA. What would just one brilliant and original idea be worth to you in your lifetime? How about a dozen? Ideation expert Jen Fraser reveals a range of innovative and exciting new ways to solve problems and come up with incredible ideas – helping you to change your life forever and make a real impact on the world. Take for example, the gaping chasm between what we believe to be impossible, and what can actually be achieved. In 2012, the aviation industry globally was estimated to be worth more than $700 billion.Read More →

  Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed ~ by Sonia Choquette Life was falling apart. Within the space of three years, Sonia Choquette had suffered the unexpected death of two close family members, seen her marriage implode, and been let down by trusted colleagues. And sympathy was not forthcoming. You re a world-renowned spiritual teacher and intuitive guide, people jeered. How could you not have seen this coming? Having intuitive abilities didn t make her superhuman, however. Nor did it exempt her from being wounded or suffering the pain of loss and the consequences of our all-too-human traits such as anger, resentment, andRead More →